Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Krazy Kart Racing

FREE (Getjar)

Android Market:

Back on the Gameboy Advance, Konami decided it would be a good idea to make a Mario Kart-like game with its own characters. The result was Konami Krazy Racers. The only characters that you would probably recognize in that game is Ninja from the Metal Gear series and Dracula from the Castlevania series. All-in-all, I would call that game a success and even better than the Mario Kart title for the Gameboy Advance.

This app for iOS and Android seeks to renew this game. This time around there are more recognizable character for most people. New characters include Frogger from the Frogger series, Pyramid Head from the Silent Hill series, Evil Rose from the Rumble Roses series, and Robbie Rabbit from Silent Hill 3. The gameplay is similar to that of any of the kart racing games. Think Mario Kart. There are Grand Prix race sets, Time Trials, and Challenges to complete. You can control the game in two different ways: Motion and Touch. With the motion controls you tilt the phone left or right to turn in those directions. For the touch controls you get a little bar that you slide left or right (pictured above). Because of these controls, the tracks aren't to complicated.

This game is probably worth the $3.44 you would have to shell out to buy it but since it is free on Getjar I say get it!

(For some reason the iOS version is only $0.99. Talk about unfair!)

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